20 research outputs found

    Identification of Endophyte Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria from Rice Root Systems Based on Morphological Characters

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    Endophytic bacteria have some benefits including N-fixation from the air, produce phytohormones such as auxin and cytokines, and stimulate growth. The objective of this study was to obtain endophytic bacterial isolates based on their morphological characteristics from the roots of rice plants. Sampling was taken at three different places in the rice planting area in the Bobosan District, Banyumas Regency and Tidar District, Magelang Regency. Sampling was observed on endophytic bacteria based on micro and macro morphological characters. The results showed that there was a diversity of microscopic morphological characters in size and macroscopic morphological characters in colony surface and color. Endophytic bacteria identified as having potential as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria.

    Aplikasi Pemupukan Pada System of Rice Intensification Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi Saat Musim Kemarau

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    The regular application of synthetic fertilizers in every rice planting season has the potency to be a pollutant on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a rice cultivation system that is more environmentally friendly by utilizing organic fertilizers and biological agents as substitutes for synthetic fertilizers with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method. The objective of this study was to determine the growth and yield of rice by the SRI method during the dry season with the application of organic fertilizers and biofertilizers. The study was conducted in Banjaranyar Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. The study used a divided plot design with main plots of rice varieties namely Situ Bagendit and IR 64, and types of fertilizers, namely NPK fertilizer (urea, SP36, KCl), organic fertilizers, and biofertilizer as subplots with three replications. The variables observed included plant height, number of productive tillers, leaf area, shoot dry weight, panicle length, number of filled grains per hill, grain weight per hill, effective grain weight per plot, 1000 grains weight, grain weight per hectare, and harvest index. The data were analyzed by using the F test and if it showed a significant difference, then continued with the LSD test with a confidence level of 95% to determine the effect of each treatment tested on the observed variables. The results showed that the Situ Bagendit variety gained a higher number of productive tillers and larger leaf area than the IR 64 variety, but both varieties gave equivalent yields in yield components ranged 1.5-1.6 t/ha. Organic fertilizers and biofertilizers were able to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers due to provide equivalent yield in both varieties.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan hasil padi yang ditanam menggunakan SRI saar musim kemarau dengan aplikasi pupuk organik dan agen hayati. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Banjaranyar, Kecamatan Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi dengan petak utama varietas padi yaitu Situ Bagendit dan IR 64, dan variasi jenis pupuk antara pupuk sintetik, pupuk organik dan agen hayati sebagai anak petak dengan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas Situ Bagenditt memiliki respon lebih baik dibandingkan varietas IR 64 pada variabel jumlah anakan produktif, namun kedua varietas memberikan hasil yang setara pada komponen hasil. Pupuk organik dan agen hayati mampu mengurangi penggunaan pupuk sintetik karena mampu memberikan hasil yang setara terhadap komponen hasil pada dua varietas padi

    Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Budidaya Padi Organik di Kecamatan Petarukan, Kabupaten Pemalang

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    The organic agriculture system is a sustainable farming practice that has a promising solution for the sake of both food and the environment. Nevertheless, the adoption of organic systems in rice cultivation has been slowly developing due to some constraints for the lower yield than that of conventional systems. Rice production in the Pemalang region has mainly been cultivated in the district of Petarukan where some farmer grows in an organic system. This study was conducted to compare soil chemical properties i.e. pH, C-organic, N, P, and K in organic, conventional, and conversion systems of rice cultivation. In addition to the survey for collecting soil samples, the history of land management was investigated through farmer interviews. Soil samples were collected from each management type in 5 different locations using the composite sampling technique. The observed soil chemical parameters were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey-test for further comparison. The result shows that the C-organic, pH, and N-total of three different cultivation systems were not different. On the other side, there was a difference among cultivation systems in P and K of the soil. This result indicates that there is a gap to fill to improve organic rice yield through enhancing soil organic matter

    Pengaruh Kondisi Lahan Kering Tanpa Olah Tanah Terhadap Kelimpahan Gulma

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    AbstrakGulma merupakan salah satu masalah utama dalam sistem budi daya tanaman, khususnya di lahan kering. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan tentang pengolahan tanah di lahan kering dengan tanpa olah tanah akan memberikan informasi berguna dalam pengelolaan gulma. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan gulma berdasarkan golongan dan spesies gulma, bobot kering gulma, dan rasio dominansi gulma pada lahan tanpa olah tanah (TOT) di lahan kering. Rancangan lapang yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Observasi dan pengambilan sampling dilakukan melalui pengamatan gulma pada waktu 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10 minggu. Komponen kelimpahan gulma yang diamati meliputi jumlah gulma, bobot kering gulma dan rasio dominansi gulma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gulma golongan daun lebar memiliki jumlah spesies tertinggi namun dengan dominasi yang setara dengan gulma golongan rumput. Cynodon dactylon merupakan spesies paling dominan yang tumbuh di lahan kering tanpa olah tanah yang konsisten di setiap waktu pengamatan dengan jumlah >500, nilai rasio dominansi gulma >10, dan bobot kering biomassa >12 g. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pola pertumbuhan gulma di lahan kering tanpa olah tanah dalam upaya pengendaliannya untuk kepentingan budi daya pertanian.Abstract Weeds are one of the main problems in cropping systems, especially on dry land. Therefore, the knowledge of soil tillage in dryland areas with no-till will provide svaluable information in weed management. The objective of this study was to determine the abundance of weeds based on weed types and species, weed dry weight, and summed dominance ratio in dryland conditions with no-till. The field design used was a randomized block design with three replications. Observation and sampling were conducted by observing weeds at a time of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks. Weed abundance components observed included the number of weeds, summed dominance ratio, and dry weight of weeds. The results showed that the broadleaf weeds had the highest number of species, but the dominance was equivalent to the grass weeds. Cynodon dactylon was the most dominant and consistent species that grew in dryland with no-till with the number of species >500, summed dominance ratio >10, and biomass dry weight >12 g at each observation time. The implication of this study was to know the pattern of weeds growing in dryland área with no-till to control weeds for cropping systems purposes

    Branch prunning and chicken manure application to improve growth and yield of brocolli in lowland area

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of branch pruning and chicken manure application on improving the growth and yield of broccoli in the lowland. The research was conducted in the dry land of Kutasari Village, Baturraden District, Banyumas Regency at 138 m above sea level. The research was arranged in a Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications consisting of two factors of chicken manure application (without chicken manure and with chicken manure at doses of 10 ton.ha-1 and 20 ton.ha-1) and branch pruning (without and with branch pruning of 25% and 50%). The pruning was performed when the plants initiated flowers. The observed data were analyzed with the F test and followed with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a P>0.05. The branch pruning resulted in a significant effect on the number of leaves, leaf width, head weight, and head diameter. Meanwhile, the chicken manure application showed a significant effect on all of the observed variables. There was an interaction effect of branch pruning and chicken manure application on the leaf width, head weight, and head diameter. The best result was obtained by the combined treatment of 50% branch pruning and 20 ton.ha-1 chicken manure, resulting in the head weight of 1048.33 g.plant-1 and leaf width of 1705.41 cm2


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    In Indonesia, low soil P availability is the major constraint in upland area.  Therefore, it is needed to find soybean varieties with characters efficient in P and high yield.  The objective of this study was to evaluate P uptake, P efficiency, yield, morphological and physiological characters for selection of P efficient varieties.  A Randomized Completely Block design was used with three replications.  Seven varieties i.e. local, Slamet, Leuser, L1 503, S1 131(2), SL3 113(6), S1 053 and P applications i.e. without P and 36 kg P2O5 ha-1 were tested.  Some variables such as plant height, shoot weight, leaf number, branch number, filled and unfilled of pod number, grain weight, P content, P uptake and efficiency were analyzed.  Data was analysis by F test and followed by DMRT.  The results showed that there were different responses on P uptake among genotypes under low P condition. Slamet, S1 053, SL3 113 (6) and Leuser had characters of high potential of yield and efficient in P uptake under P stress.  Some characters could be used for variety selection of P efficient with high yield i.e. shoot and grain weight, and P efficiency


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    The objective of this research is to know the effect of intercropping paddy-grass and Applications of coconut shell wood vinegar on plant growth, physiologycal characters and yield of upland rice. Research conducted at the villageof Cendana, District of Kutasari, Purbalingga in March, 2015 to August, 2015. The field experiment with split plot design with three replications. The main plot, was carried wit paddy-grass intercropped consisting of: rice monoculture, upland rice- elephant grass and upland rice-lemongrass. Sub plot, a dose of coconut shel wood vinegarl i.e. without coconut shell wood vinegar, a concentration of 1: 200 and a concentration of 1: 400. The variables observed were plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of tillers, weight of dry shoot, the weight of the dried root, the growth rate of plants, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, the contain of proline, contain chlorophyll, panicle length, number of panicles, number of filled grain, grain meight per hill, grain weight of 1000 seeds, grain weight / ha, harvest index, soil water content, the intensity of the damage and the value of equality of results. Intercropping rice-grass and coconut shell liquid smoke applications have not been able to improve the character of the growth, physiology and yield

    Cekaman Genangan dan Pemberian Pupuk N, P, K terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jewawut (Setaria italica L) di Inceptisols

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    Genangan merupakan salah satu stress abiotik yang dapat memengaruhi hasil panen tergantung frekuensi dan luasnya genangan, serta jenis tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan interaksi cekaman genangan dan pemberian pupuk N, P, K terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jewawut di Inceptisols. Penelitian dilaksanakan di greenhouse Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jenderal Soedirman pada bulan April sampai Desember 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan faktorial yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua faktor perlakuan, yaitu empat taraf dosis pupuk N, P, K (N, P, K = 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) dan empat taraf tingkat genangan (tanpa genangan, genangan 1 – 2 cm, genangan 2 – 3 cm, genangan 4 – 5 cm) dan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Variabel pengamatan terdiri dari tinggi tanaman, luas daun, bukaan stomata, kerapatan stomata, umur berbunga, umur panen, panjang malai, bobot malai, bobot basah tanaman, bobot kering tanaman. Terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan dosis pupuk N, P, K dengan tingkat genangan pada variabel luas daun, bukaan dan kerapatan stomata. Perlakuan tingkat genangan secara mandiri mempengaruhi variabel tinggi tanaman, bobot basah dan bobot kering tanaman, serta karakter hasil yaitu umur berbunga, umur panen, panjang dan bobot malai. Cekaman genangan menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan pada karakter pertumbuhan, fisiologis maupun karakter hasil pada tanaman jewawut. Penurunan terbesar terjadi pada karakter bobot basah tanaman (81,6%), bobot kering tanaman (80,1%), dan bobot malai (89,6%)

    Identification of Potential Biofertilizer and Bioremediator Bacteria from Upland Soil Based on 16s rDNA Sequence Analysis

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    The long-term presence of synthetic pesticides on agricultural land can lead to a decline in soil fertility. Synthetic pesticides inhibit the activity of essential enzymes in the soil and suppress beneficial microbial populations for plants. One potential approach to mitigate the extent of contamination caused by synthetic pesticides involves the utilization of indigenous pesticide-resistant bacteria. Several upland soil bacteria from Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia, were successfully isolated from a previous study. The isolated bacteria have the potential to be developed as pesticide bio-remediators and biofertilizers. The bacterial isolates are expected to have characters that support plant growth through their ability to provide dissolved phosphate. However, the potential bacterial isolates need to be identified by molecular approaches. This study was conducted to identify bacterial isolates of GT2, SR1, SW1, and PA1 by 16S rDNA sequencing analysis. The results showed that isolate GT2 was placed within a group of reference strains of Bacillus proteolyticus, isolate SR1 was placed within a group of B. paramycoides, isolate SW1 was set within a group of B. albus, and isolate PA1 was placed within a group of Acidovorax delafieldii. The genetic distance of isolate GT2 and B. B. proteolyticus, isolate SR1 and B. paramycoides, isolate SW1 and B. albus were 0.0000 each, and isolate PA1 and A. delafieldii were 0.0061.